Chronological Bible Study - All 12 Month FREE DOWNLOADS!

I was blogging at Wee Share for years and years. I loved it. I happened to miss my window to renew the domain name for Wee Share via Blue Host. Right before realizing that I needed to renew the domain name... I noticed that I was having trouble with my email address associated with the blog.

I assumed it was because I had forgotten to renew the domain name for Wee Share. When I went to renew the domain name... I couldn't remember my password to log in to Blue Host. So, I went to remind myself of the password... and... since my email wasn't working, it wouldn't let me reset the password.

I was in a horrible circle of going nowhere for a while. With NO HELP from Blue Host, Wee Share died. All of my Bible Study printables that I had posted up on the site died with it. LUCKILY... the majority of them are still on my flash drive! WOO HOO for flash drives!

I've -very last minutely right before the new year- decided that I'm going to post them below in a list fashion. Then, for Pinterest purposes, there will be photos and photos after that. Enjoy! Be sure to share and leave me feedback! I love comments and feedback - I'll try my best to respond as soon as possible. Also - Please forgive me for the condition of the blog at the moment, I'm working on rebranding it. It's been about 8 years since I've even touched this blog! 

Here are the FULL SIZE Printable Downloads for the Chronological Bible Study:

Here are the CREATIVE PLANNER (A5) Printable Downloads for the Chronological Bible Study: 

Category Generator

The purpose of this post is to establish some categories for the blog layout! Please ignore altogether!